People walk and bike along Boston's waterfront.

Boston Waterfront Initiative Goals

How we’re working to realize the full potential of the Boston waterfront.

Barr aims to ensure that all the neighborhoods along the 47 miles of Boston waterfront benefit from and enjoy a vibrant waterfront experience. 

Graphic of people enjoying the waterfront

The Waterfront Initiative strategy centers policy and collaboration across the waterfront ecosystem. Our goal is to ensure that the waterfront is part of every local policy and planning conversation with an eye toward its impact on waterfront resiliency, inclusion, equity, and the marine dependent industries it supports.

Our objective is to support the following:

  • Efforts for a robust public process and engagement in regulatory reform and discussions.
  • The public sector in updating regulations and policies so that they address present-day climate issues with care and comprehensiveness.
  • Community activation and bold communications that educate stakeholders.
  • The research and piloting of new strategies at the local and state level to carry out this work.