Hear from staff and partners about aspirations, accomplishments, and lessons learned along the way.

Five Questions with Natasha Ushomirsky, Program Officer, Education

White woman with pulled back light brown hair wearing a black sweater and floral print top, smiling and standing in front of a brick wall.

Natasha Ushomirsky

Senior Program Officer, Education

Natasha Ushomirsky, program officer for the Build Public Will portfolio, shares what inspires her commitment to community building for equity in education and how her life experiences inform her work.

July 22, 2024 | Category: Education

Six Questions with Lisette Le, Director, Racial Wealth Equity Initiative

Asian woman with long dark hair wearing a green button down shirt smiling in front of a brick wall.

Lisette Le

Director, Racial Wealth Equity Initiative

Lisette Le shares her perspective on possibility creation and opportunities for advancing racial wealth equity in Massachusetts.

July 09, 2024 | Category: Racial Wealth Equity

Barr Awards $18.5 Million in Second Quarter of 2024

New grants will support community-based organizations aiming to transform public transit across Massachusetts, the expansion of access to high-quality, project-based curriculum that inspire and engage all students in the Commonwealth, and art advancements that inspire narrative shifts that reflect the full range of diversity and beauty of our communities.

June 27, 2024 | Category: Barr News

From Input to Impact: Student Voice in High School Transformation

ali gross brick headshot 2019

Ali Gross

Program Officer, Education

How might students and adults work together to create excellent, equitable high schools?

June 25, 2024 | Category: Education

Journeying Together to Reach Our PEAK

[STAFF] Joe Rodriguez Brick Photo 2022

Joe Rodriguez

Grants Management Assistant

[STAFF] Rory Neuner Photo 2022

Rory Neuner

Senior Learning Officer

Kerri Hurley Brick Headshot 2022

Kerri Hurley

Director of Grants Management

[STAFF] Lynn Harwell Brick Photo 2022

Lynn Harwell

Vice President for Administration

Black woman wearing glasses, a teal headscarf, and a black top smiling and standing in front of a brick wall.

Najah Casimir

Program Officer, Mobility

leah bennett brick 2022

Leah Bennett

Program Associate, Education

Barr staff share personal reflections from the PEAK 2024 convening, and invite others in philanthropy to learn from our experiences.

May 20, 2024 | Category: Sector Effectiveness

Good morning, colleagues

Man smiling and looking at the camera in front of a colorful painting.

Jim Canales

President & Trustee

A thank you message to staff from Jim Canales becomes a broader reflection on leadership in these times.

May 14, 2024 | Category: From the President

Four Questions with Jessica Rose, Senior Program Officer, Education

White woman with gray hair wearing a tan blazer and black shirt smiling and standing in front of a brick wall.

Jess Rose

Senior Program Officer, Education

Jess Rose, leader of the Catalyze New Models portfolio, shares what led her to Barr, her commitment to racial equity, and what inspires her to support excellence in high schools.

April 30, 2024 | Category: Education

Highlighting a Holistic Framework that Supports High School Excellence

jenny curtin brick 2022

Jenny Curtin

Director of Education

How Barr’s Education partners are using seven Indicators of School Quality to advance equity and excellence in New England high schools.

April 03, 2024 | Category: Education

Embedding Equity in the Fabric of Our Work: Lessons from a Small Nonprofit

Walae headshot

Walae Hayek (she/they)

Guest Author · Steering Committee Member, Allston Brighton Health Collaborative

In a Q&A, Allston Brighton Health Collaborative Director Anna Leslie and Steering Committee member Walae Hayek reflect on successes, challenges, and lessons from collective efforts to embed equity at the organization.

March 26, 2024 | Category: Climate

Resources for Grant Seekers

nina minella brick headshot 2019

Nina Minella

Program Assistant, Climate

leah bennett brick 2022

Leah Bennett

Program Associate, Education

Alexandra 2023 Brick

Alexandra Juckno

Former Program Associate, Arts & Creativity

Information that may help you find the funding you need, especially related to arts & creativity, climate, and education.

March 20, 2024 | Category: Barr News