Bold action on climate change is necessary to create a just and healthy future.

Marilyn Humphries via Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
Advancing equitable solutions for clean energy, mobility, and resilient communities.
To leave future generations a better world than the one we inherited, we must address climate change with solutions that acknowledge the unequal burdens that have been placed on communities of color and those who have been underserved and divested.
Climate change is a global challenge. Yet cities, states, and regions are vital agents of change. That’s why Barr’s Climate Program focuses on advancing equitable solutions and leadership at the local level.
Our Climate Strategies:
To address climate change we pursue three strategies:
- Accelerating the shift to clean energy
- Transforming our transportation system
- Creating climate resilient communities
Underlying these strategies is our belief that we will be more effective at addressing the climate crisis if we build a multi-racial and inclusive environmental movement. This is why we will prioritize communities that have suffered the most from the fossil fuel economy and climate organizations whose work is centered in equity. Read more on our strategies below.
Meet Our Climate Team
Kalila Barnett Senior Program Officer, Climate Resilience
Lisa Jacobson Senior Program Officer, Mobility
Najah Casimir Program Officer, Mobility
Kathryn Wright Senior Program Officer, Clean Energy
Visit our grants database to see recent Climate grantmaking activity.
Climate Program Inquiries
The Barr Foundation’s Climate Program is actively working to expand its grantmaking to include more partners who are committed to centering racial equity in the climate movement.
Our work is grounded in the belief that a diverse, inclusive, and equity-centered movement is essential to achieving our ambitious climate goals.
We will prioritize communities that have suffered the most from the fossil fuel economy and climate organizations whose work is centered in equity.
While we most typically fund non-profit organizations, we are open to supporting other types of groups or organizations who are doing work that aligns with our strategies and goals.
We are especially interested in supporting people of color (POC)-led equity-centered organizations. We define equity-centered organizations as organizations that are building power in the communities they serve to address environmental racism.
To address climate change, we fund work related to these three topics:
Clean Energy – Accelerate the expansion of renewable energy and energy efficiency; Geographic focus: New England
Mobility – Reduce transportation-related emissions; Geographic focus: Massachusetts
Climate Resilience – Help greater-Boston prepare and adapt to climate change; Geographic focus: Greater Boston
While these guide our work, we strive to take a collaborative approach to our grantmaking that recognizes that clean energy, mobility, and resilience are interconnected, especially in the ways they impact people’s lives.
We are most interested in putting our resources toward the following movement-building activities:
Equitably reducing greenhouse gas emissions to improve the health and well-being of communities of color by improving air quality and access to clean, reliable, affordable energy and mobility options
Building communities that are prepared for climate change, and protect and work for all people
Providing career pathways and support for professionals of color working in the climate movement in our region
Investing in capacity-building of POC-led equity-centered organizations so that they can become stronger and healthier and build more power in the communities they serve
Supporting an increase in the number of POC-led equity-centered organizations that are engaged in climate action
Fostering authentic and meaningful allyship among the legacy climate organizations
Ensuring climate and environmental narratives are inclusive of diverse voices and center community needs, perspectives, and solutions
How to Express Interest
Please keep it short! We anticipate that we’ll receive more requests than we can support, so we want to be mindful about the amount of time we are asking you to invest in this initial submission. Review our inquiry form to see the questions that we’d like you to answer. You may submit an inquiry in either written, audio, or video form. Ideally, written content should be less than 1 page long. Audio or video content should be less than 5 minutes.
We’ll respond to you in a few weeks. We believe in the importance of conversation and do not want to be overly reliant on the written word. Once we receive your submission, we’ll get back to you in a few weeks to let you know whether or not we think your funding request might be a good match for our work.
If we choose to move forward, we’ll help you through the process. Please note that while under certain circumstances we may be able to expedite a funding request, there is generally a 5- to 6-month time period between our initial conversation and when a grant is approved/we send the first payment. This includes time needed to work with you on a proposal and for the proposal to be reviewed internally.
Questions: If you have questions about how to submit an inquiry, please contact
Recent Climate Blogs
Blog Post
Fellowships Address Barriers for People of Color in the Climate Field
Examining the early impact of three Barr-funded leadership development programs.
Read the blog post
Blog Post
Our Last Stop on the Boston BRT: The Right Time to Step Away
How we pivoted when the original vision wasn’t working. We thought we had a perfect plan to modernize Boston’s bus system — until it faced unanticipated roadblocks.
Read the blog post
Blog Post
Three Questions with Kathryn Wright, Senior Program Officer for Clean Energy at the Barr Foundation, and Jay Campbell, Partner at Hart Research
Interview: Sam Schacht of Clean Energy States Alliance speaks with Kathryn Wright, Senior Program Officer for Clean Energy at the Barr Foundation, and Jay Campbell, Partner at Hart Research about what we can learn from the findings from their offshore wind survey.
Read the blog post