Common Wealth Mural Collaborative
To provide strategic growth planning and operational support.
- Award Date: 9/30/2024
- Amount: $240,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
Borealis Philanthropy
To support Round 6 of the REACH Fund, a funder collaborative aimed at advancing racial and intersectional equity and inclusion in the nonprofit sector.
- Award Date: 6/20/2024
- Amount: $150,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Sector Effectiveness
Boston Foundation, Inc.
To support capacity building for its Boston Indicators program and the launch of the Racial Wealth Gap and Economic Security Research Initiative
- Award Date: 8/29/2022
- Amount: $1,000,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Special Initiatives
Trustees of Tufts College
To support the Racial Equity in Policy and Planning Fellowship program
- Award Date: 9/30/2024
- Amount: $325,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Climate
FII - National dba UpTogether
To support the design and implementation of UpTogether's racial wealth equity narrative campaign in Greater Boston
- Award Date: 6/27/2022
- Amount: $785,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Special Initiatives
The Equity Institute
to provide core support for work in New England
- Award Date: 4/3/2024
- Amount: $300,000
- Term: 24 months
- Program: Education
Mystic River Watershed Association, Inc.
To support racial equity training for staff and board and integration of racial equity into strategic plan.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $25,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Climate
University of Massachusetts
To support Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents' (M.A.S.S) Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) project and the New Superintendent Induction Program (NSIP).
- Award Date: 8/31/2021
- Amount: $350,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Education
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
To provide unrestricted support to recognize the service of Karen Kelleher during the Barr Foundation's centralized racial equity grantmaking listening tour.
- Award Date: 10/26/2021
- Amount: $500
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Special Initiatives
Smart Growth America
To inform transportation and smart growth policies that advance racial equity.
- Award Date: 11/30/2021
- Amount: $800,000
- Term: 24 months
- Program: Climate