Person speaking at a microphone in Copley Square, Boston.



GrubStreet is a national leader in the fast-growing field of independent creative writing centers. By rigorously developing voices of every type and talent, and by removing barriers to entry, GrubStreet fosters the creation of meaningful stories and ensures that excellent writing remains vital and relevant. An ArtsAmplified grant of $675,000 will support GrubStreet’s work to better reflect and serve changing demographics locally and nationally, and as it searches for a more permanent home in Boston. Over the course of the initiative, GrubStreet will continue to increase the racial and cultural diversity of its students, staff, and writing instructors, and continue to strengthen its financial model.

“Community-based writing organizations possess the potential to change a mostly white, upper-middle-class publishing landscape by advocating for and building radically inclusive programs. We’re on a mission to make narrative arts accessible to everyone.” –Eve Bridburg, Founder and Executive Director