Explore our grants database.

Program Areas
Year Awarded

Rocky Mountain Institute

To support analyzing progress to date and making the case for high-impact investments in low-carbon transportation in Massachusetts.

  • Award Date: 9/26/2023
  • Amount: $50,000
  • Term: 12 months
  • Program: Climate

Smart Growth America

To advance State Smart Transportation Initiative's convening and research in transportation.

  • Award Date: 9/26/2023
  • Amount: $300,000
  • Term: 36 months
  • Program: Climate

Technical Development Corporation

To support technical assistance, coaching, and regranting for the Barr-Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative.

  • Award Date: 9/26/2023
  • Amount: $550,000
  • Term: 30 months
  • Program: Arts & Creativity

Thomas B. Fordham Institute

To study the impact of different high school math pathways.

  • Award Date: 9/26/2023
  • Amount: $193,000
  • Term: 24 months
  • Program: Education

Transcend, Inc.

To support the continued implementation of the Canopy Project research.

  • Award Date: 9/26/2023
  • Amount: $400,000
  • Term: 24 months
  • Program: Education

UnboundEd Learning Inc.

To support new and deepening work in up to six districts in Massachusetts aligned with research and evaluation strategy development.

  • Award Date: 9/26/2023
  • Amount: $975,000
  • Term: 24 months
  • Program: Education

United States Artists, Inc.

To support the 2024 Fellowship Program and Trestle research, discovery, and planning efforts in New England.

  • Award Date: 9/26/2023
  • Amount: $1,000,000
  • Term: 12 months
  • Program: Arts & Creativity

Urban Sustainability Directors Network

To support Northeast municipalities with tools and training to build new skills in centering racial equity in climate policy, planning, and practice.

  • Award Date: 9/26/2023
  • Amount: $600,000
  • Term: 24 months
  • Program: Climate

Alternatives for Community and Environment, Inc.

To support New England United for Justice's mobility and climate work.

  • Award Date: 9/13/2023
  • Amount: $1,350,000
  • Term: 36 months
  • Program: Climate

Conservation Law Foundation, Inc.

To provide core support for the Transportation for Massachusetts Coalition.

  • Award Date: 9/13/2023
  • Amount: $4,000,000
  • Term: 24 months
  • Program: Climate