Announcing the 2024 Transformative Leaders of Massachusetts Fellows
The call for transformative leadership went out, educators from across the state answered.
Four Questions with Jessica Rose, Senior Program Officer, Education
Jess Rose, leader of the Catalyze New Models portfolio, shares what led her to Barr, her commitment to racial equity, and what inspires her to support excellence in high schools.
“Helping people achieve things they didn’t think were possible”
A Q&A with Senior Program Officer for Education, John Travis
How School Leaders Prioritize Equity, Achievement, and Wellness - Even in Challenging Times
While the last two years have been challenging for all, some leaders have redoubled their focus on equity, achievement, and wellness in their classrooms. In a new series, Relay follows exceptional leaders from across the country to document and share their effective leadership strategies.
We Know Principals Are Important, So Why Doesn’t Anyone Want to Be One These Days?
The pandemic is driving principals out, and preparation programs don’t give them the support they need.
Transformative Schools Require Transformative Leaders
New fellowship for aspiring school leaders who seek to reimagine high school.
Barr Announces New Grants to Drive Toward Educator Diversity
Announcing a new cohort of New England school systems committed to developing diverse, talented teacher workforces for student success.
Barr and TNTP Announce New RFP for Districts to Attract and Retain Talented Educators of Color
New England school districts can apply for free landscape analyses to help understand and improve the diversity of their educator workforces.
Why A Diverse Teacher Workforce Matters
Barr and TNTP discuss the critical role diverse educator workforces play in advancing equity and highlight a new funding opportunity for New England schools.
Keep Listening to Teachers
Insights from Massachusetts teachers about what they are learning and how they are responding in this unprecedented back-to-school season.