Barr staff blog about important dimensions of our ongoing planning work.

At Barr, we don’t think strategic planning requires going quiet until the work is done. That is why, during Barr’s planning efforts, we have striven for open and transparent communications. We want to minimize the mystery and keep our partners connected and apprised of our progress.

In his July “From the President” message on Barr’s blog, Jim Canales outlined the values guiding Barr’s strategic planning work across program areas and committed to managing the process with continued openness and transparency. One important demonstration of this commitment came in late September 2015, when Jim initiated a blog series dedicated to shedding light on strategic planning. Subsequent contributions by other staff explored key trends shaping the fields in which we work and how we are aligning our strategies to be responsive to those trends. Our months of planning work concluded in January 2016.

Read about where we landed

Barr Planning Series

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